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Fan Coils

Fan Coil


The Comfort of Variable Speeds & the Simplicity of Evolution.

In its most basic form, the Evolution System requires the Evolution Control, the variable speed FE4 fan coil and any Bryant heat pump or air conditioner. That means you’ll enjoy the enhanced comfort provided by variable speed technology — longer heating and cooling cycles for consistent temperatures throughout your home, money-saving energy efficiency and extra-quiet operation. With the option to add a two-speed outdoor unit, wireless remote system monitoring, indoor air quality products and zoning, the Evolution System can be configured to meet a virtually endless variety of indoor comfort

Perfect Humidity

The Bryant Evolution System also provides the enhanced humidity control of our Perfect Humidity System. Most home comfort systems manage humidity during heating or cooling cycles. These systems typically require two separate controls, one for temperature, and one for humidity. Bryant’s Perfect Humidity system manages moisture levels independent of heating or cooling demand with one convenient control. Perfect Humidity will not only deliver greater comfort, it can help reduce condensation build up on windows. Perfect Humidity can also help you save money by making you feel more comfortable at higher set temperatures in the summer and lower set temperatures in the winter.

Plus_90i_PH_logo Variable Speed Fan Coil

The cornerstone of the Evolution Comfort System is a Bryant FE4 variable speed fan coil. This model works in concert with a properly matched outdoor unit to provide a nearly continuous flow of conditioned air to provide consistent, quiet comfort all year long. “Smart” electronics keep track of previous cycles and allow the system to automatically select the correct settings for the best possible combination of comfort and energy efficiency. It’s a feature we call Perfect Heat, the perfect solution for warm, soothing comfort during the heating season.

The Evolution of Comfort
The Evolution System in available in a variety of equipment combinations. Ask your Bryant dealer which system components are right for your home and climate.

598b_stat2 Designed for use with our exclusive Evolution Control - much more than a thermostat.

It is your single source of precision temperature, humidity and indoor air quality control. The Evolution Control is intuitive, easy-to-use and feature rich. It offers the largest continuously backlit display in the industry. It automatically adjusts the heating humidity in your home to maximize comfort while reducing condensation on the windows. It tracks your indoor unit, your outdoor unit and indoor air quality accessory operation and reminds you when it is time for routine maintenance. The Evolution Control also offers seven-day programmability with the flexibility to customize a comfort schedule that best matches your family’s lifestyle so you can just set it and forget it.
